Scottsdale Gets Wet this Memorial Day Weekend with Poolside Sets from DVBBS and Chromeo

Head to Maya Day and Nightclub this Memorial Day Weekend for a holiday filled with sunshine, dancing, and great music all while you’re sitting poolside under the warm Arizona breeze. We’re covering the musical gamut during our two-day spectacular with headlining sets from two acts who are sure to bring double the pleasure and double the fun to our mini-vacay.

The raging splasher starts with a tsunami when party-rockin’ duo DVBBS take the stage on Saturday, May 23rd and the gets groovy with the funky, retro-infused sounds of the Chromeo boys, closing us out on Sunday, May 24th.

Grab your flip flops, sunglasses, and don’t forget the sunscreen as you make your way to Maya Day and Nightclub this May 23-24th for a Memorial Day weekend of beats by the pool. Tickets are on-sale now!

Memorial Day Weekend Events in Scottsdale

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