Prepare for Nonstop Madness With W&W and Disco Donnie Presents

Bringing the sounds of the mainstage to a venue near you, trance duo W&W are lining up a string of dates across North America, kicking the year off in proper fashion. 

Since meeting at Holland’s legendary Trance Energy festival in 2007, the pair have skyrocketed to the forefront of today’s dance music community. Honing an unmistakable sound that can fill big rooms or outdoor arenas, W&W have seen support from some of the biggest names in the business since day one. Throughout the years, W&W have continued to win fans with their skillful fusion of trance melodies and raw, electro-tinged rhythms.

Considering their rigorous touring schedule, W&W’s latest single and collaboration with fellow Dutch superstar, Hardwell, “Don’t Stop The Madness,” is an aptly titled homage to life on the road. The madness won’t stop when the Dutchman head out on tour to a city near you – join us on our partnering dates!

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