‘Hurricane’ Season Comes Early as Adventure Club Hits Florida With a Set of Tour Dates

One of bass music’s hottest acts this side of the Atlantic, Canadian duo, Adventure Club is making their rounds through the Sunshine State bringing their self-coined clubstep sound to a city near you!

We first started getting down to Adventure Club back in 2012 after their breakout edit of Flight Facilities “Crave You,” but these two BFFs have been palling around since their high school days, long before honing their mutual production prowess. Amassing a devout following largely due to their free music model, Adventure Club have made a name for themselves by giving us a massive, well-constructed library of tunes to listen to while remaining humble through the journey.

In the same vein of their latest remix of MS MR, “Hurricane” season hits Florida a little early as Adventure Club to storm through the state with a string of local shows, brought to you by Disco Donnie Presents. Join us on our partnering dates.

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