'Generate' Love With Eric Prydz and Disco Donnie Presents

“All of the love we generate, the only thing that carries me on. There’s nothing we need that it can’t create…” These lyrics from the soon-to-be-released track “Generate” on Pryda Recordings will ring ever-so-true as Swedish export Eric Prydz gears up for the Generate tour in 2015 under his Pryda alter ego. Though he’s known by many pseudonyms like AxEr, Cirez D, and Sheridan, it is his Pryda moniker that showcases his early house influences with harmonies, melodies, and hooks overtop his trademark power-hungry bass lines – and lest we forget about those infamous Pryda snares.

With early productions dating back to 2002, Eric Prydz has undoubtedly amassed a huge, devoted following worldwide. Whether he’s running three highly-respected labels, Mouseville, Pryda, and Pryda Friends, or releasing underground club hits like “Pjanoo,” “Hit Me With Those Laser Beams” with Green Velvet, or “Allein,” Prydz has developed a sound that has become so influential, it’s no wonder he’s one of the world’s most in-demand spinners and producers.

The Generate tour sees the Swede hitting sixteen dates over the span of a month. Starting up in February through until March, Generate will stop in major cities across the continent, showing off Prydz’s return to his club roots with extended club sets from the progressively-wicked Pryda catalog.

Upcoming Tour Events

Proving the world of techno and house are in safe hands, come generate love with Eric Prydz and Disco Donnie Presents and join us on our partnering dates!

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