Feel the 'Terrorvision' This Fall With Figure and Disco Donnie Presents

Just in time for the fall season, everyone’s favorite horrific producer Figure is about to embark on a new hair-raising experience across America with the Terrorvision tour.

Hailing from Indiana, Figure, known to his friends and family as Josh Gard, started his career in the music industry as a hip hop producer for well-known rappers. But his love of artists like The Prodigy and The Chemical Brothers gave Gard the courage to dive head-first into the dance music pool. His first experiments were with electro house but soon, he fell in love with the world of broken beats and bass.

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Donning a new name as Figure, The Doses/War Fair EP was the first to show his horror-influenced sound but it was his 2011 EP Monsters of Drumstep that landed him on every industry radar. Audiences loved the culture clash and Figure has embraced the eerie vibes ever since, becoming bass music’s prince of darkness.

Figure is a wizard in the studio not only in terms of his quality craftsmanship but the sheer volume of his collection as well. The best part is that he loves giving away most of his music and his Soundcloud is just an endless supply of his energetically percussive drums and grimey low-ends. Getting ready to release the anticipated Monsters Volume 5, it’s time to celebrate – Figure style.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/168047397″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Invading 14 cities across North America with Space Laces, Terrorvision is will be taking on a live set up to compliment Figure’s quality collection. As an extension to the music, audiences will be treated to a smorgasbord of horror with improvised visuals provided by the main man himself. “I wanted to create the ability to compile tons of custom edited clips the same way I have compiled tons of music for my sets over the years. I’m a horror buff and I’ve amassed an extensive collection of classic shock theatre and obscure films which is definitely an inspiration for the visual direction on this tour.”

Think you can handle the Terrorvision? Join us this fall on our partnering dates:

* with Space Laces support.
** with Midnight Tyrannosaurus support.