Our Crystal Disco Ball Can See Into the 'Neon Future' and Steve Aoki's Leading the Experience

Label owner, DJ, producer, and fashion executive Steve Aoki is one of the most notorious names in the music industry. Whether he’s crowd rafting, popping champagne, or curating some killer sounds via his Dim Mak imprint, this talent continues his “always on tour” credo to surprise and delight audiences around the world with unforgettable performances.

Following the monstrous Aokify America tour, the cake master is about to embark on a new journey with the Neon Future Experience tour. Featuring an experimental lighting and visual experience designed by festival favorite, V Squared Labs, the Grammy-nominated producer got his inspiration for the tour from a wide range of futuristic themes like Megacities, Neo Tokyo, and Futuristic Utopias. But if none of those terms made sense, just check out Steve’s new video for “Get Me Outta Here” with Flux Pavilion to get a visual on his post-futuristic tendencies.

Kicking off mid-February at the Austin Music Hall in Texas, this particular leg of the tour is in celebration of Steve’s latest album Neon Future I, released back in September. But like the title of the album suggests – this tour is just round one. With the second installment due later this spring 2015, Steve has bookmarked a tour 2.0 to go along with Neon Future II album release. Boasting a set design that combines custom built LED cubes with mirrored panels to create a new visual experience, fans attending the first installment will get to hear new tracks plus some unreleased favorites.

The visual smorgasbord isn’t the only thing to love about this tour. One dollar from every Neon Future ticket sold will go to the Steve Aoki Charitable Fund in support of humanitarian efforts worldwide. You can help give back to the community and all you need to do is dance the night away.

Making his way all across North America, the Neon Future Experience tour is set to invade over 40 cities. But as you well know – Steve never roadtrips solo. Bringing along hardstyle champ, Headhunterz, and Dim Mak protegés, Caked Up, this tour puts the WIN in winter. No one knows what tomorrow will bring – but according to our crystal Disco ball, the Neon Future looks bright.

Upcoming Tour Events

* with Headhunterz and Caked Up support.

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