TroyBoi Shows Us What 'My Style' is on Forthcoming Dates

TroyBoi is one of the most prolific producers in the underground trap scene right now. Combining elements of hip hop and bass music, this multi-talented musician has a penchant for making unique, versatile, and highly musical tracks that fuse various textures and genres, simply dubbing it “My Style.” Known for creating a perfect harmony of sound, TroyBoi is sharing his style on a string of date this fall.

Named one of South East London’s most closely guarded secrets, over the past year, TroyBoi has emerged from the underground thanks to his clear composition and vast influences. Already producing tracks with some very high profile artists, TroyBoi is one of the top producers in the industry right now and he’s generating a lot of online buzz because of it.

Crafting some of the most creative and daring audio paintings you’ll ever listen to, TroyBoi delivers a unique experience with each track he turns out – whether it be for the energetic festival audience or for a melodic, chilled-out vibe. Come see what “My Style” is all about and join us on our partnering dates!

Upcoming TroyBoi Events

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