Take a Journey With Markus Schulz on Select Dates

When it comes to taking trance fans on a musical journey, Markus Schulz has never been one to hold back. With 25 years of DJ experience under his belt, he’s developed a unique sound that combines the dark and gritty after-hours techno grooves with melodic trance synths, making him one of the most sought-after DJs in the world.

Donning the “Unicorn Slayer” nickname proudly, Schulz likes to keep a progressive sound while maintaining strong bass lines and memorable leads flitter overtop. If you’re living in the south-east, we’re excited to let you know that you can see trance veteran on select dates in the next few months.

Upcoming Markus Schulz Events

Catching Up With Markus Schulz

As head of the Coldharbour Recordings label, Schulz is always focused on showcasing his signature style of trance while helping artists emerge from the underground as well, such as Nifra, a fresh name who will be joining Schulz in Scottsdale, AZ and Charlotte, NC.

Together, Schulz and Nifra they produced the theme song for the Transmission event happening in Praque, Czech Republic. “The Creation” dives head first into a driving beat that pulses behind euphoric build ups and break downs that delivers the dynamic tenor that we’ve come to expect of the Coldharbour Recordings imprint.

Take a journey with Markus Schulz in the oncoming months and join us on our partnering dates.

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