Music Has No Boundaries with Jauz This Fall

If you like having a variety of genres in your weekend playlist, than Jauz is an artist to keep an eye out for. With a sprinkling of bass music and four/four rhythms throughout his shows, Jauz knows how to satisfy ears and feet on the dancefloor. Starting at the end of August leading into the beginning of the fall season, Jauz will be showcasing his limitless style at various corners of United States.

Touting a “music has no boundaries” manifesto, genre-blending has always been at the heart of Jauz’s productions. Over the past few months, the L.A. resident has released some stellar remixes, from taking on the likes of Ed Sheeran, A$AP Mob, and Childish Gambino. His originals are just as addictive including “Feel the Volume” which left festival and club audiences ready for more.

Currently, Jauz has generated quite a buzz with his remix of Major Lazer’s “Lean On” coming in at over 112,000 plays and counting on SoundCloud – the best part is it’s only been out for less than a month! Combining a wide range of house with dubstep, his music will give an extra oomph to your dancefloor groove this fall. Come join us on our partnering dates!

Upcoming Jauz Events

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