Get Lost in the Moment With Lane 8 at This Never Happened

By 2016 standards, a phone and photo-free dance floor might sound unreasonable, if not downright impossible. But at This Never Happened, that’s precisely what Lane 8 aims to do. This isn’t some type of unruly punishment – instead, it’s about getting back to basics. The trailblazing house producer hopes that by opting away from constant connection, we can experience the magic that happens between music and a room full of people. Tickets are on-sale now!

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Get Lost in the Moment at This Never Happened

The California bred Anjunadeep signee Lane 8 invites you to get lost in the moment. For those who dare to never leave a trace of its existence, Lane 8’s concept promises something special at This Never Happened. The tech-less tour aims to foster a community vibe between electronic lovers willing to share in the now, “We believe that what we’re doing is something that the music community actually wants and needs.” he says. “In the best clubs I have been to, the people were united by a desire to experience electronic music in the purest sense; to get lost in its tension and release.”

Allow sonic bliss to take hold, put down your phone on the dance floor, and choose to remember that This Never Happened.

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