Eric Prydz Shows Off His Magnum ‘Opus’ This Spring

With early productions dating back to 2002, Eric Prydz has amassed a devout following worldwide. Though he’s known by many pseudonyms, it’s the Pryda moniker that showcases house influences with tech leanings. Still running high on the success of his 2016 LP Opus, the Sweden to Los Angeles import is taking the stage with a select string of shows this spring. Join Eric Prydz on the dance floor with tour dates in New Oreans and Houston.

Upcoming Tour Dates

Finding His Magnum ‘Opus’

For over a decade, Eric Prydz has been one of dance music’s most celebrated artists. Whether busy curating multiple record labels, or releasing internationally recognized club hits, Prydz’s signature sound comes from a combination of melody, power-hungry bass lines, and those infamous snares.

In 2016, the Swedish talent exceeded his previous gravitas by not only releasing thirty singles throughout the course of a year, but also treating fans to a long-awaited debut album, the aptly-titled Opus. Giving us a long list of mysteriously emotive and intense songs like “Generate” and “Trubble” it’s obvious that Prydz has been working on this effort for quite a while.

Witness the mastermind show off his magnum Opus when Eric Prydz makes his journey through select cities, brought to you by Disco Donnie Presents.

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