Enter the Darkness With Adventure Club This Fall

The impending daylight savings shift isn’t the only thing adding a cloak of mystery and darkness to your fall; Adventure Club is about to embark on their When Darkness Falls autumn U.S. tour, kicking off this October.

The Canadians will crash 17 U.S. cities with their unique production that balances soul-stirring vocals and sweet infectious melodies with the rambunctious, rawness of dubstep. Bringing some fam along for the ride, supporting acts of the tour roster include Snails, Paris Blohm, Kayzo, Shaun Frank, and Carter Cruise on select dates.

Upcoming Adventure Club Events

Crashing the Party

Leighton James and Christian Srigley experienced a summer riddled with performances which included their acclaimed Las Vegas residency at Drai’s Beachclub & Nightclub and not to mention appearances at several major North American festivals – to think, this success was mounted by a remix they did of “Daisy” by Brand New over five years ago!

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Lately, you can find Adventure Club in the studio working on a new EP to accompany their North American festival dates and U.S. tour this fall. But if you can’t wait that long, check out “Crash 2.0,” a collaboration with DallasK and also the first original piece of music from the duo since “Fade” in 2014.

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