Devilish Dubstep Producer Feed Me Kicks-Off North American Tour

The man behind the little green goblin, Feed Me, returns to the States next month to kick-off a DJ tour of North America. An overwhelming presence on the scene, the versatile bass producer is coming to play for you and you don’t want to miss it! Tickets on-sale now.

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Feed Us!

Having debuted the Feed Me alias back in 2008, the English producer has a reputation for consistently putting out new material in addition to exceptional sound design and versatility. Formerly known as Spor for his aggressive drum and bass productions, Feed Me’s early dubstep and electro house hybrids quickly garnered attention coming out of Deadmau5’s esteemed Mau5trap Recordings before setting up his own label, Sotto Voce, more recently.

Now’s your chance to hear tracks off his latest EP, A Giant Warrior Descends On Tokyo, live and in the flesh when Feed Me hits the U.S. with select dates brought to you by Disco Donnie Presents.

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