Deorro Is Making a Texas Run in February

For over seven years, Deorro has touted a “never stop working” credo, blessing audiences with new music that’s always unique no matter what pseudonym he’s performing under. Rooted in Southern California, the leader of the Panda Funk imprint is getting ready to make a Texas run to showcase his bounce-inducing crate this February. With stops in Dallas, El Paso, Houston, and San Marcos now’s your chance to see Deorro in action. Buy tickets for a city near you!

Upcoming Tour Dates

Dubbing his unique style Panda Funk, Deorro’s signature sounds keep bodies moving on the dance floor. While we love originals like “The Disco Donnie” for obvious reasons, over the past year Deorro has shown us just how eclectic his talents are, expertly producing party tunes and euphoric anthems.

On his latest effort “Tell Me Lies” Deorro layers spastic percussion and delicate keys with an absolutely crushing vocal performance by Leslie Roy, reminding his Panda Fam’ that the only thing you can expect is a catalog of music that never repeats itself.

In mid-February, Deorro takes to the road for a Texas run and you’re sure to hear new material off his forthcoming album when he gets behind the decks. Join us on partnering dates for a sample of his high-octane fusion of Dutch, electro, and bass!

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