Come and Feel 'Alive Again' with 3LAU on Our Fall Dates

Always moving forward, 3LAU has been keeping momentum with long hours in the studio and a rigorous tour schedule. Celebrating the release of his most recent single “Alive Again,” the progressive powerhouse is getting ready to share his music on the road with string of dates across North America.

Upcoming 3LAU Events

Feeling Alive Again

In the last three years, 3LAU has made the transition from just a mash-up artist to musician, producer, and remixer. With party capital Las Vegas as his home base, he certainly knows how to have a good time – whether he’s performing on stage, making beats in the studio, or channeling his efforts to open schools around the world, 3LAU is always putting his talents to good use.

Recently, his talents are making audiences swoon on his single “Alive Again.” Featuring the spellbinding vocals of iconic songstress Emma Hewitt, the song, in his own words, is about whatever makes you feel like home; it’s meant to invoke the extremities of whatever emotions you experience when you listen to dance music. “It was an honor to work with Emma Hewitt,” says 3LAU. “Her voice has perfectly complemented some of the most beautiful dance records of our time.”

Come and feel “Alive Again” when 3LAU makes his way to a city near you. Join us on our partnering dates.

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