Surf the sound waves when the seventh annual Ultimate Music Experience returns to South Padre Island on March 15-18th at Clayton’s Outdoors. Book your Spring Break at UME and get the best price, buy early bird tickets now for as little as $15 down!
From sunrise to sunset, South Padre never sleeps, when we transform the isle into a dance music paradise over four nights of incredible performances. Start and end your day without ever leaving the beach, buy early bird tickets before the sale ends on Friday, December 9th at midnight CST!
The Best of Both Worlds
For a limited time, you can get UME festival passes with only 10% down. Choose the package that works best for your budget, with monthly payments starting at $36 there are options for everyone. To take advantage of this special offer, do the deal before it expires at midnight on Friday, December 9th. Buy UME passes for only 10% down!