Brillz is on a Mission to 'Twonk Di Nation'

Fresh off of inking a new deal with the Mad Decent imprint, Brillz has announced an all-out Twonk Di Nation Tour featuring a slew of his best homies. Guaranteed to serve up some new material, brace yourself as names like Party Favor, LAXX, Ghastly, Jackal, and Kayzo join Brillz for this crazy twonkadelic tour.

Upcoming Brillz Events

Dis Generation; Twonk Di Nation

Known for turning heads with his high-octane bass, Brillz’s brand of trap merges the swagger of hip hop with the fluidity of dance music. “Twonk is a human weirdo and twonk team is the movement of the weirdos,” Brillz said. “Twonk is about creativity, individuality… it’s about self-expression.”
In the past few years, Brillz has set a huge movement in a motion alongside his Twonk Team. Perfecting his lethal brand of bone rattling percussion and twisted vocal chops, Brillz’s beats have successfully permeated dancefloors worldwide, as well as two top 10 albums on iTunes.

For the Twonk Di Nation Tour, Brillz is bringing over 13 friends on over 37 club dates this fall. Starting in November in New York, the tour will host a varied lineup, depending on the location. If you’re down with the #TWONKTEAM then get ready to Twonk Di Nation and join us on our partnering dates.

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